
Service is at the heart of what we do

It Takes All of Us to Make the World Reliable

At Pinnacle, we have the bold vision of making the world reliable, and our focus on positively impacting our customers, our people, and our community allows us to accomplish just that. 

Impact to Our Customers

Reliable operators have a significant impact on their surrounding communities. The most reliable operators build their programs on a strong foundation of quality data. We help industrial facilities such as refineries, chemical plants, mining facilities, and water treatment plants leverage their data to make strategic reliability decisions and make a sustainable impact within their businesses and communities.

Value Signoff
$ 0 MM
Data-Driven Programs
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Impact to Our Employees

People are fundamental in how we make the world reliable. At Pinnacle, our people are explorers at their core, constantly working together to discover newer and better ways to improve. We have daring ideas and continue to push the envelope to redefine what reliability means for the industry, holding ourselves accountable to excellence, prioritizing growth, and challenging the impact we are able to make along the way.

Impact to Our Community

Service is at the heart of what we do, and we want our service to have a lasting impact on everyone we interact with. Our team comes together during Pinnacle Engagement Days to support our community through the development of three core areas: education, life skills, and leadership.

Hours dedicated by our employees towards Philanthropy efforts in 2023
0 +
Community members impacted (2023)
We Thrive Graduates


Equipping students to be the next generation of problem solvers will help our communities continue to make a sustainable impact in the future. Our employees enjoy mentoring students at local schools and educating them on how they can impact the world through STEM careers. ​

Life Skills

We all need a helping hand at times. Whether it’s equipping people with the skills they need to get back on their feet or providing living necessities, we have the honor of working with philanthropies across the country to provide the tools and skills people need to make an impact.


We found the leadership philosophy that best represents the culture we value, a program called “We Thrive,” and knew it was too good not to share! We regularly invite our community leaders, customers, and team to participate in this program and become an elevated version of themselves.

Ready to make the world reliable?